It is True #NYC!
'It Is True' by Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo Since one of my great-grandmother sister, Lucilla Méndez, was an American actress in Holywood, living between NYC and California, from 1920 to 1982, and with my brother first child born (2010) in Richmond, VA, I take the free and brave step to set my opinions in facts about the next election d-day. It is true that Trump is not a typical politician, is not a perfect man, is not humble, is not patient, is not careful about saying terrible things many times, maybe because is not a professional politician, but also it is true he is not a Marxist, nor socialist, not a 'liberal' in the sense it was kidnaped in the US this glorious term, in fact, he is more close...