Preface & Introduction

Long, convenient, and beautiful stories of Liberty 

I start a new journey without finishing other paths of my past
 it came suddenly to brain and soul
 aware of the lack of experience, now is a goal 
Freedom, Liberty, Life, Happiness, naturally, should pass. 

 'It is a good thing for an uneducated person to read books of quotations' Winston Churchill

 'Hay algo más allá de la Palabra?' Rafael Arráiz Lucca 

 'No word was given more meanings and so variously affected humans than Freedom' Montesquieu.


The words, the language, the abstract concepts of knowledge is a unique feature of Homo sapiens, compared to other living mammal or extant primates. In fact, the human larynx is in a lower position in the vocal tract than in other primates, which is related to the resonance cavity in the upper vocal tract for the production of vowels and only humans among primates have direct cortical control over laryngeal musculature, which may have evolved together with the descent of the larynx in our ancestors. 

These two anatomophysiological differences make humans the only animal creating words. Thus, we are both animals and humans. We have several other features to link our being with Nature, with Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Cytology or Ethology, e.g. My crazy idea on the first random appearance of this vocal features on some old primates hominids from the genus, Homo spp is linked to the Biblical couple of Adam and Eve. Maybe they were the first 2 specimens born with this miraculous vocal tract and brain, and still the only one biological species on Earth with this evolutionary trait.

 Later arose more individuals with these features in Eden, Africa, and culture and history began. Certainly, this vocal capacity gave humans the supremacy of better communication to gain control of the ecosystems, biotopes, and biomes they were earning little by little only walking from East Africa to southern Africa, trough the once green and watered Sahara towards a land bridge at Gibraltar to reach Europe, trough the Rift to get today's Egypt, Israel, Mesopotamia, East Asia, and from here reaching Australia and then Bering and the Americas.

As I am a biologist, ecologist, with 2 Masters degrees and 1 doctorate, and the more and more I study biology I wonder more and more about the perfection of cells, life, the biosphere, I used to say to my dear students: ' the more I study science the more I Believe in God's Creation of Creatures and Nature and the Universe '

So, I am believer, but also a little sinner, and I have not yet achieved a direct communication to God to ask all my questions about life, love, happiness, peace, dignity, liberty, and other very human values-words. Being this only my opinion, that you ought to doubt it from the start, you are going to give me a chance to develop my principal aim in this almost free ebook: my intention is to share to the new generations the tools to understand and to get more information on Liberty, the supreme value of our Lives to reach an almost close Eden's happiness.


Is funny to discover the Libertarian thinkers and promotors during a historic global lockdown. Even if I have always considered myself as Freedom and Liberty lover, since childhood and teenage, but maybe in the sense of Liberation of nations like Bolivar achieve with his friend Sucre and O'Leary and dozens more sharing that passion against the oppression of Spanish rulers and laws. I profit to get out every day of the quarantine of 2020 around my new town, Uharte, in Navarra, to walking the dog of my children, called Puppy. So, I bring my cell phone and listen to YouTube contents on a list of philosophers and moral and economics leaders: Friendman, Hayek, Adams, Bastiat, Locke, Hume, and all the linked influences top-down and bottom-up! All this could be verified if you analyze the cookies registry of my mobile device! How I decided to listen, to know, to learn more about these guys? Well, I have the custom of listening to good old Venezuelan TV shows online like Uslar Pietri or Carlos Rangel with Sofía Ímber, the first with a great art and history educative weekly program called Valores Humanos, 'Human Values', from 1953 to 1987, and the second with an interesting morning show of interviews to politicians, writers and artists called Buenos Días, 'Good Morning', from, 1969 to 1988. As you see I have a rare taste to be a young man, a millennial? born in 1977. I used to watch these 2 programs in the '80s, and later with Internet, I browse many programs on politics, economics, and history. I liked the ideas of Uslar Pietri, one of the wisest minds of the XX century with no doubt, and I was surprised by Carlos Rangel's intelligence, speech, and how he defends liberty and previewed the catastrophe of socialism in Venezuela 30 years earlier. These two citizens warned all of us in my country, to get a smaller state, to get more economic liberty, to depend less on oil, etc. Trough these guys, I reached to listen modern Venezuelans like Ricardo Hausmann, a future Nobel Prize in Economics, and by this time the famous 'cookies' of my traces during my online browsing on information started to pop up on my screen with similarities like Martin Krause, Axel Kaiser, Javier Milei or Gloria Alvarez, all great defenders of Libertarianism and Freedom, but in different degrees of efficiency to get new partners of Defenders for the Rights of Liberty, Life, and Happiness. Because every person has a different personality, these latter Latin-American Libertarian leaders, at academic and political networks, they defend so passionately the truth of Liberty and all concepts of free markets, the price and subjective value, the spontaneous order, the invisible hand of the market, 'laissez-faire', etc., that often they fall in sectarianism and make harder to convince new Defenders from the socialism supporters (without understanding it). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy and learn a lot with their YouTube performances, but overall Milei and Alvarez they should shut down the noise and screams, and focus on their supreme intelligence. Krause and Kaiser, they are more educative, and Hausmann is a great professor. So, I looked out for Biographies and documentaries on Hayek, Mises, Menger, Bastiat, Jefferson, Locke, Hume, Saint Thomas Aquinus, Saint Agustin, and the 3 Greeks All-Star, Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. Also, I included many more names to my list, you will see it in chapter 3.  


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