New Liberty Project for All

Dear friends of the Earth Planet, I just want to share the process of writing my first, unique, piece work on Liberty. 

I will be publishing very often new chapters or parts of this ebook we want to offer very cheap to reach everybody in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, Oceania, and all inhabited islands of the 7 seas! 

 I have the dream of adding new content on Liberty, from classical Liberals, modern Libertarians, and future Liberators. I do not think that we as humankind need to reach power (the state we want to minimize?) to start a change in societies, yes we can use the power of governments to minimize the role of governments and states, but I realize that if first, we use Libertarian ideas and philosophies on ourselves, in our lives, families, entrepreneurship, we can, randomly, spontaneously ordered by our human nature, in a perfect function of the 'laissez-faire' of the invisible hand (our brain, mind, thoughts, opinions, feelings, choices). Here I present to you people of the world, my humble index of chapters, and in the next posts, the first letters I am typing on my computer's keyboard... 

  (This exercise, is to receive feedback from you, here in the blog, on whether I should include a key author or concept or theory or theme)


 Proposed Title: Long, convenient, and beautiful stories of Liberty.




 My main objective is to produce a big visual frame synthesizing all rational data and empiric evidence, logical interpretation, to generate a Canvas Infographic on Liberty for Happier Lifes. For this simple aim, I have set a diverse and heterodox strategy to study the Concept of Liberty: 

1.Counting the 'Liberty' word on religious books using digital tools. 

2.Investigatingtraces and evidence, metadata analysis for the word-concept of liberty, giving the output of the semantic interpretation of the word liberty in different languages from at least one representing each of the major linguistic families of global languages-cultures. 

3.Philosophical approaches and thought on Liberty: Selected Libertarian's ideology based on quotes and paraphrasing its ideas in our own words. Cuestionary for living thinkers, an anonymous exercise. 

4.Liberty and Economics, Economy and Ecology, Economic Independence, and mental failure in Homo sapiens, Ecological Ressources and Specimen Reproductive success invertebrates, self abandon behavior on mammals when hunger. 

5.Minibiographies and an imaginary story for another understanding of Liberty. Aristotle, Saint Thomas Aquinus, Hume, Locke, Adams, Bastiat, Menger, Mises, Hayek, Friedman, Sowell, among dozens more. 

6.Epilogue, but not the End!. A personal statement and a global call to change the fate of the old reign of iliberals. It is time for Liberators, the natural evolution of classic liberals and modern libertarians!  


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