It is True #NYC!

                                                                                'It Is True'

by Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo

Since one of my great-grandmother sister, Lucilla Méndez, was an American actress in Holywood, living between NYC and California, from 1920 to 1982, and with my brother first child born (2010) in Richmond, VA, I take the free and brave step to set my opinions in facts about the next election d-day.

It is true that Trump is not a typical politician, is not a perfect man, is not humble, is not patient, is not careful about saying terrible things many times, maybe because is not a professional politician, but also it is true he is not a Marxist, nor socialist, not a 'liberal' in the sense it was kidnaped in the US this glorious term, in fact, he is more close to Libertarianism (Natural Rights, Life, Freedom, the pursuit of Happiness, right to property, etc) than many Rep's.

It is true also that Biden is showing several signs of mental health issues, as normally in many, not all, close to his age (I have profound respect for elderly people, my grandparents on my mother's side arrived at 95 with lucid and vivid minds! also my great-grandmother Casimira, the sister of Lucilla, who dies in my arms in 1997 at 97 years in the days of a big Earthquake (not because but coinciding) in Cumaná, the oldest European founded city on the Americas continent); it is true that he makes several mistakes and forgets very often names and issues, it is true the Kamala is a very rare person to run for VP, because she 'only' argues about her race and gender to rule government (?), this is like I was able to rule on the US  because I belong to every minority possible, let's say: 'half Navajo half Armenian, transgender gay person, handicapped' that's all?, no sis & bros, you need more than that to be in charge of the government, as it appears that will become KaMala. Note that I am not anti-gay or anti races or nothing similar, I have gay friends, cousins, another gay uncle-grandfather, etc., and I have African, Basque, Galician Arab blood in my veins, plus Yanomani mitochondria (Yes, I am Venezuelan, non plus ultra mixed society on Earth ever). Harris is a Copperfield's Trojan (in front of our own eyes), the biggest danger in US history... close to conquering the planet...

I ask ArchAngel Saint Michael to open your heart and permits, with your vote, that my friends Michael Pompeo and Michael Pence could stay 4 more years battling evil around the planet...

In eastern Venezuela, we use the indigenous term 'guate', one of the thousands of indigenous (>30 different languages-peoples) word-concepts (for RasPutin's friend Chomsky) we use and gathered by the wise Lisandro Alvarado in 20th Century ouvrages.
It means 'poop' but in a non-polite manner to say. So, we use to say ' it is better Guatemala than Guatepeor' using the name of a beloved country of Maya people, and meaning that sometimes it is better to choose something non better than something very bad...

Look at Venezuela dear Americans of the North, we were the happiest society for 200 years, non-perfect, only heaven, but on the way to progress and growth and winning the battle against poverty even with, or despite, Marxist guerrilla, Marxist parties ruling, Marxist coups d'etat... the freedom for entrepreneurship, the love within 'interracial' couples is so normal that we make jokes and nobody gets offended in this liquid (atomized, sprayed) society.... a messy state and not the deepest state was the cause of such a spontaneous order to thousands of families escaping poverty in one generation, something that in Spain, for example, takes 3 generations even today!

I urge you to vote these d-days... the planet needs you still brave and free...

Read and Listen to Sir Thomas Sowell!!

 Hear Friedman, Hayek, Mises precautions on marxism... recover the knowledge of Bastiat, Jefferson, Adams, Locke, Hume, Saint Thomas Aquinus, Aristotle (all contents available for free on youtube, in your hand's palms)

It is true, it is better Guatemala than....


Prof. Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo, PhD.
Venezuelan ID : V-13773219
Spanish ID: 73492846A
auto exiled at
Uharte, Navarre, October 31th, 2020


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