Hope, 4 new Malalas! FUTURE, Yes!

press note 4 Lost childs, Amazon

Good press note,
Same historic knots,
Why God try us like this?
No one knows, 40 days?!

Movies, books will come!
4 Petite Princes, Earth Home,
Resilience, Humanity, Faith, 
Nature, Future, Liberty, Knowledge...

LOVE, live protector, maximus est!

This took my attention...

A family, displaced? Native, without roots? Cause of a Marxist terrorist group, or their political parties?

So, I insist reporters, journalists, investigators , attorneys, Prosecutors, Congress women & men...

Please, track every single penny of Blood oil, diamonds, gold, uranium, rare earths, coke, heroin, produced money since 1999 to nowdays from Venezuela so called lefty Revolution... Use chat gpt or Big data science, tell Gates, Musk, Brandson, Bezos and all their smartest Friends to resolve this: how much money global marxism received in 24 years from Venezuela?
And hundreds more!

What about newspapers and parties in Europe and US?!?
Politicians? The ones that make laws, manage our education systems?

Malala, you realize that these 4 childs just suffered the same violence from totalitarism? 
They crashed becauae they were in a plane!
They were in a plane because they were scaping menaces from Marxist terrorist... The same occurred in Ireland or Basque Country... Even now, without terror, they (political parties linked to ETA or IRA!) Could be receiving blood oiled money to carry out revolution world wide but using medía, democracy, our own liberal system, like trojans they attenpt to desteoy the world as we know It...family, individual, Society... Only their view? No more natural Liberty?

Please join a team, and research and prove our hypothesis, 2 million of million of $ , 2 trillion on US terms, have been generated ( only by oil PDVSA!) In 24 years of nightmares for 33 million souls (7 outside!)
Some 1/4, or 500.000.000.000$ could be used to fund a giant list of Marxist groups.

Groups that push families to take planes that could Crash, and communicating thus to humankind, using strange ways, that Evil is near, home..

Come on NYT o WP , Carry out this vast and huge task, and win more Pullitzers soon!

You can call me 
+34 601312297
Mikel de Elguezabal


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