Free Cuba, From Navarra,!
These Brave & Free citizens , both cubans & spanish, behind me, in front of the Pamplona City Hall Square, try to bring attention in nowadays tragedy in Cuba under socialist totalitarian 'ancient regime'.
It's not easy, few locals understand... Some are pro Castro (vía Venezuela's petrodollars...shhhh) and from the parties that still does not condem terrorist of marxist group ETA, and send loud messages supporting Castros'(?) WTF?....
One person among the dozens attenders of democratic Cuba for Liberty.... Well she just exploded in anger, normal, and cried out back :" ... You bunch of terrorists!!! Go live to Cuba as a mere cuban, not as a 'refugee' " protected by the marxist state...( ETA terrorists always founded safe places in Cuba, Venezuela, México or northern África...)
No doubt that these evil empires are set to be a sad history soon...
2022 starts in january 10th call to revoke Maduro tirany in Venezuela...let's wait for the final reunion of the diverse opposition in my country....
. Liberty
Mikel Alberto de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo
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