a fantastic bookstore in Bruxelles, but few or none book for libertarians, iliberals 1 - liberators 0...

a fantastic Bookstore in Bruxelles, but few or none book for libertarians, iliberals 1 - liberators 0...

We lose the cultural battle...broadly...

(I will post at the end of this entry ramdom photos of my survey* or sampling of last night visit of big -3 floor- library in Bruxelles)

Here and there... Gramsci said it, they do it quite well..

We can not deny it, they have coped the beautiful aestethic, beaux arts, culture, nice contents, good books, films...so the Mass is happy and thinking they have better arguments to prefer equality over Liberty...state over Invidivual, merchantilism over Capitalism...

We have to fight back in this matter... Please #AtlasNetwork
#ActonInstitute #HooverInstitute #MisesInstitute &
All foundations and think tanks and universities pro Liberty! You should cover all libraries with good contents with classic, modern and today's liberty champions...

Let's go 

Miel de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo
LEA Foundation & Civil Association.
Uharte, Navarra
Cumaná, Sucre



This my younger daughter, 11

Oh Lalà!

* Please reproduce this kind of 'study' , repeat it, better, broader, deeper, in every bookstore you find on your way these days....

We are doing similar findings among universities' libraries World wide, for chapter un our book on Liberty...


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