Linda de Montaner,

Mrs. Linda, I am a citizen of the blue planet, a writer for therapy, and I have the gift of reading the hearts of good people. You and Don Carlos Alberto Montaner, although I have never met you, I can say that you have marked my life with your moral strength and your impetus for Freedom, always.

Of course, you, Montaner's girlfriend, wife, and friend, are not on YouTube, like hundreds of videos of your husband, or you haven't written the books and novels, and the articles for the free press network of Latin America... but, Linda, she was with him for years in Madrid, in Cuba, in Miami...

I learned, a few days later, of the decision of Don Carlos Alberto, in Madrid... he was brave, and he took advantage of his last breath to form an opinion, to educate, although some of us would not do it, due to cowards, or excess of Faith and providential healings, before a potential Euthanasia, due to imminent, organic and mental senescence...

I would like to donate these words, in English, to know if in the funerals, or prayers, or the post-mortem meetings that this great Man will deserve per secula seculorum, urbi et orbe, have been attended by the Libertarian counterparts from other worlds different from the language of Cervantes?

I mean, did they find out and call or visit you, respected Linda, Thomas Sowell, Henry Kissinger, Condoleezza Rice, Jordan Peterson and so many defenders of Natural Liberty in the language of Shakespeare?

Did they ever meet? You surely are the Hard Drive of Don Carlos!

I know that he regularly mentioned Douglas North, Baker, or Hoppe and other Sages of Liberty in their various branches and stances, but I am left wondering if they were friends, if they valued their infinite worth and the role of a catalytic enzyme that resonated from their hundreds of stands in Antigua, Guatemala, where I have discovered the university most committed to Natural Freedom on planet Earth! #UFM, or from Chile, Argentina, Spain, with the CATO Institute, from Miami, and the most diverse pro-Freedom organizations of this, our Cervantino world...

As good Venezuelans, we are respectful, conservative, of good customs, and, for example, at my father's wake or funeral, in 2004, I remember how my friend César Augusto Dommar Valerio spent the night next to the coffin, due to the old custom of 'not leaving the dead alone', because I arrived tired from France, and could sleep and rest peacefully for the burial in Cumaná, on January 23...

I fantasize, although I don't know whether Don Carlos' funerals were organized, I continue, I fantasize about this: that Carlos Alberto Montaner died in 2033, of natural causes, while he was sleeping, in peace and without any kind of suffering, and that we all attended his funeral existing worlds of the Defenders of Natural Liberty, the Hispanics, the Anglo-Saxons, the Germans, the French-speakers of the planet, the Japanese, Koreans, Hong Kong, Tibetans, Slavs, India, Jews, and Arabs... all...

Because, surely there are parallel universes of the Anglo and Hispanic Libertarians that I have been following for years on the Internet... the only thing that I do not live in Germany or Cameroon, or Seoul...

I wonder if the Hoover Institute, Mises Institute, Atlas, Acton, and George Mason University valued or knew of Montaner's work. An educational genius, using humor as a catalyst, how many laughs and guffaws this 'old man' got me while driving and listening to him, traveling to Baztán, Navarra! and is it an effective educational technique, is it marked, in the DNA of the given neurons, in a quantum knowledge to be discovered, in a Fermion, or a Giggs particle? where do the words, information, and knowledge reside, as different as Chicago and Austria in the methodological approach!, where do the Word and the Verb live? the thoughts, the words, the dreams, the feelings? in positive/negative energetic binary codes? or, as Montaner maintained, in images, we think with images, light, quantum, energy, matter, space, movement, time... Montaner is and will be infinite...

I don't want to make the Ode so long, then, later, in private a pseudo poem for Linda...

I want to honor, I want to hold by the jaw, like a grandmother to the grandson who does not eat, the worlds of other Libertarian languages-nations, Libertadores, those who fight against the 'illiberals', those who kidnap semantic concepts such as 'liberal', ' progressives'... the skilled Chomskysts & Gramscians of the moment, before whom we lose the cultural battle every day, and numb, we attend our own funeral as a civilization, and I think that's what Montaner feared... that's why his frantic and counterproductive educational libertarian hyperactivity ... you can see and notice the slight physical regression, legs, and speaking, between the oldest videos and the most recent...

I want you to turn around and know and honor this Defender of Freedom, not only for Cuba, but for the planet, his teachings as a historian, as a writer, as a thinker, are immense, useful, and effective and give you a plus in your life, try, prove!

I hope his sons and grandsons, daughters and granddaughters multiply his legacy, found universities in his name, and create CAM chairs in each country that Montaner loved...

...and with the #AI, it will be easier to have it in non-forgetfulness...

Montaner inspired us, thousands of people who seek hours a week to 'self-radicalize' in pro-Libertad Natural training, such as natural law, natural right... like life, property, happiness tirelessly sought...

There is hope, in the 2 worlds that I follow as Libertarians, the Hispanic and the Anglo, I make a little book and a virtual congress to contribute and generate entrepreneurs and free people, women and men, young and old, natural humans...

I want to call Alex Chafuen or Rand family, all souls I mean, all those Who defend always Liberty...

I want they could organize a future Montpellerin Meeting in the Neutral Switzerland to gather all worlds (languages) of Liberty Defenders... united in a super diverse Freedom Tree...good! nobody here is a central planner or a state Evil power to Desire despotic views of human lifes..

I do not want a Mikel's one lense Planet ...

I profit on the sorrow and sadness of the recent loss of Montaner ways... to cry out...

Let's educate on Liberty, more and better than never before...

one Planet , one biological species, one Liberty...

With all my affection and admiration

For you Linda, may your prayers carry the feelings of thousands who learned to love Don Carlos Alberto Montaner...

sincerely and respectfully

Mikel Alberto de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo



LEA Foundation

Uharte, Navarra

Cumana, Sucre


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